Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Home Loan, Ownership and Recovery Executive Order and Congressional ACT of 2009 to 2013

Dear Mr. President, Members of Congress and
Citizens of the United States of America,

This no longer a time for partial measures.
This is now a time for complete solutions.
We can no longer help just some of the people who are in housing and economic difficulties and distress.
We must now help all of the people, in the hope that they can and will better help those that cannot help themselves.

We, all citizens of the United States of America, are most concerned and want to provide for our neighbors and families, for and because we are all families and neighbors of one another.

I therefore respectfully request that you authorize this proposed Presidential Executive Order and subsequently enact this Congressional Legislative ACT, "The Home Loan, Ownership and Recovery Executive Order and Congressional ACT of 2009 to 2013", to readily and immediately support our inalienable right to shelter, compassion and opportunity of economic equality for every man, woman and child in America.

Thank you and sincerely,

Tony Horwath

Dear Citizens of the United States of America,
Members of Congress,
The House of Representatives and the Senate;
Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner,
John M. Reich, Director of the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS),
Shaun Donovan, Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD,
Sheila C. Bair, Chairwoman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC),
Members of the Executive Branch,
the Obama administration and
President Barak Obama,

The enactment and administration of the Economic Stimulus Program (ESP), the Financial Stability Plan (FSP / TARP II), and the Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan (HASP) have not been and ARE NOW NOT enough to avert a housing and economic catastrophe.
Nevertheless, please administer these programs and plans for the limited effect they offer.

However, we need:
a "top down" solution for financial institutions, real estate lenders and "Wall Street" as being worked by the Congress and the Administration; AND we need a "BOTTOM UP" solution for homeowners, real estate borrowers and "Main Street" as I propose to you below with "The Home Loan, Ownership and Recovery Executive Order and Congressional ACT of 2009".

By Presidential executive order and Congressional legislative act, please authorize the following orders and pass the following legislation with its components and respectfully proposed as:
"The Home Loan, Ownership and Recovery Executive Order and Congressional ACT of 2009 to 2013".
(The Homes Order and Act)

1) Whereby all existing home loan borrowers may defer the principal and interest owed on their existing mortgage to the principal balance for a period of up to five (5) years. At any time within the five (5) years the borrower (mortgagor) and the lender (mortgagee) by mutual agreement may modify the existing terms and conditions of the loan, including recasting the loan to a longer term; and the borrower may re-start their loan payments and be in "good standing".

1A) ALL foreclosure and short sales are hereby and immediately suspended until further norice.
The only exception is whereby the homeowner-borrower and the lender consent to the foreclosure or short-sales process to begin or continue by mutual agreement.

2) Whereby and until further notice:
a) all existing home loans and new home loans will have an interest rate of 1% and an amortization period of no less than 30 years. And such terms and condition shall be instituted without any further qualification of the borrower by the lender in the case of an existing home loan.
Any existing home loan borrower and any buyer of a home, may at their election hereby immediately avail themselves of this term and condition.
All existing home loans and new home loans are included in the provisions of this Executive Order and subsequent Act of Congress and the lender shall immediately and forthwith issue these loans, loan modifications and corresponding mortgage statements to this effect to all home loan borrowers.

b) Additionally, any state laws, county and municipal ordinances prohibiting subdivision and condominium conversion of existing multi-family properties of 2 or more units are hereby suspended until further notice hereby and therefore allowing the owners of multi-family properties at their election, to sell the dwelling units to the existing residents or should the existing resident decline ownership then sell the units to another buyer.

c) per this Executive Order and Congressional Act the existing residents of a multi-family property of 2 or more units or other buyers of these units may purchase their dwelling unit as may be offered for sale by the owner and do so with a mortgage payment from a lender with a 1% interest rate and amortization period of no less than 30 years and do so at the existing resident's or buyer's election.

Additionally, a borrower-homeowner who offers their home for a "short sale" may at their election retain their home for the "short sale" sales price and have it re-financed at current rates and terms with the current lender or any other lender as the borrower-homeowner sees fit to do so.

3) Whereby this Executive Order and Act of Congress is to provide home loans, ownership, recovery, stimulate and create economic stability in the United States of America within 90 days.

I am available for questions, answers and discussions.
Please call me at 650-799-1001 or email me at and I can talk with you about the details of "The Home Loan, Ownership and Recovery Executive Order and Congressional Act of 2009".

Please forward this proposal to the good people of:
The Wall Street Journal, CNN Money
The staff of the Obama Administration
The speaker of the House of Representatives
The Senate majority leader
The House and Senate Finance and Banking Committee
Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner
John M. Reich, Director of the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS)
Shaun Donovan, Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development(HUD)
Sheila C. Bair, Chairwoman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
The Honorable Barak Obama, President.
And any members of the US Congress, politicians, agency administrators and lobbyists who could make a difference by supporting and enacting legislation, authorizing and enabling the The Home Loan, Ownership and Recovery Executive Order and Congressional ACT of 2009:
I urge ALL Citizens of the United States of America to support a Home Loan, Ownership and Recovery Executive Order and Congressional ACT of 2009; so we may all save and affordably keep our homes, economy and American way of life and to do so NOW!

Please see reference item:
"America's Emptiest Cities"
By Forbes and Zack O'Malley Greenburg, 02.12.09, 11:20 AM EST
or copy and paste the hotlink below.

Thank you and sincerely,


Tony Horwath, CEO
Chief Executive Officer

California OptoElectronics Industries
Solar Terrestrial Reformation Systems and Technologies for homes, businesses and governments.
Palo Alto and Monterey County, California, USA.
650-799-1001 mobile direct

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